El Pez Escorpion (Salinas, Spanien)

Avenida Marola, 1, Salinas, Asturias 33405, Spain
Tippen Sie anrufen 0034 679 375 341
395.00€ - 395.00€ El Pez Escorpion (Salinas, Spanien) Avenida Marola, 1, Salinas, Asturias, 33405, Spain 0034 679 375 341 1 Package A Dummy 10
Tariff / Package A / Tage min. 1 Tage max. 365 / Min. Belegung 1 Max. Belegung 100 / 1 395 Samstag, 01. Januar 2050
El Pez Escorpion (Salinas, Spanien) Avenida Marola, 1, Salinas, Asturias, 33405, Spain 0034 679 375 341 395.00€ - 395.00€ 9 10 Essentially it is awesome Carlos and David were really lovely to me - even though I turned up quite late twice they were patient and waited up for me. The blackout windows were amazing when i needed rest, it was generally a really nice place, I had it pretty much to myself (as a surfing hostel i presume the weather in April wasn't to people's liking but i was walking the Camino De Santiago so no concern to me). Essentially it is awesome. - - El Pez Escorpion (Salinas, Spanien) Avenida Marola, 1, Salinas, Asturias, 33405, Spain 0034 679 375 341 395.00€ - 395.00€ 9 10 Loved that place Nice hostel, superfriendly hosts. And thx again David for telling me about the best spots. I went there and it was such a great trip.especially Frejulfe, loved that place. - - El Pez Escorpion (Salinas, Spanien) Avenida Marola, 1, Salinas, Asturias, 33405, Spain 0034 679 375 341 395.00€ - 395.00€ 9 10 Thank you for a good holidays:) This is one of the best places, where i have ever stayed. Friendly hosts and nice atmosphere. The house is very cozy, the living room has a beautiful huge windows and offers a wonderful view of the sea. Thank you for a good holidays:) - -

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El Pez Escorpion (Salinas, Spanien)

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