Surfcamps Toliara

property image
Booking on request


Surf Tours

Tulear, Toliara, Madagascar

NO CROWDS AND PERFECT WAVES WITH JUST YOU AND YOUR MATES GUARANTEED !!! Looking for a truly new and unique surfing experience? Filthy uncrowded waves and the wildest part...

Prices from
52.00€  per week
7.43€ For 1 night
52.00€  per week
Prices from
7.43€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request


Surf Ressort

Befasy, Toliara, Madagascar

Madagascar Surf Resort is in the remote South West of of the last remaining surfing frontiers. The Resort is located at the north end of the remote beach...

Prices from
600.00€  per week
85.71€ For 1 night
600.00€  per week
Prices from
85.71€ For 1 night
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