Surfcamps Sumatera Barat

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Booking on request



Mentawais - Nyang Nyang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

Mentawai surf camp Siberut is a traditional beach camp resort located on the island of Nyang-Nyang, one of the most beautiful island in Mentawai. The White sandy beaches,...

Prices from
900.00€  per week
128.57€ For 1 night
900.00€  per week
Prices from
128.57€ For 1 night
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Booking on request



Mentawais - Nyang Nyang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

MENTAWAI SURF TRAVELMentawai Surf Travel, is a licenced, registered travel provider. It is also the only company owned and operated by an indigenous Mentawaian.MST provid...

Prices from
$214.29 Per week
$214.29 For 1 night
$214.29 Per week
Prices from
$214.29 For 1 night
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Booking on request



Mentawais - Nyang Nyang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

"ULAU MANUA" means "Home of the gods" or "paradise" in the dialect of the Mentawai Islands !It is precisely in this sense that the ULAU MANUA RESORT has in the heart of t...

Prices from
$1,190.00  per week
$170.00 For 1 night
$1,190.00  per week
Prices from
$170.00 For 1 night
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Booking on request



Mentawais - Nyang Nyang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

Aileoita….. These are the mentawai words of welcoming you to the island. Founded by the local tourism community, yanto’s place is the right choice for all the people who ...

Prices from
$500.00  per week
$71.43 For 1 night
$500.00  per week
Prices from
$71.43 For 1 night
property image
Booking on request



Mentawais - Nyang Nyang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

If you have decided to come to Mentawai to surf, and you are on a budget, but do not want to leave aside the quality, Sabbit Mentawai surf camp is the camp to choose. You...

Prices from
483.00€  per week
69.00€ For 1 night
483.00€  per week
Prices from
69.00€ For 1 night
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