Surfcamps Rio San Juan

property image
Booking on request


Central America

San Juan del Sur, Rio San Juan, Nicaragua

Specially created for the modern traveller, for the experts of living well, for the creators, thinkers and doers, Dreamsea Surf Camp Nicaragua in San Juan del Sur embrace...

Prices from
349.00$  per week
49.86$ For 1 night
349.00$  per week
Prices from
49.86$ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request


Central America

Maderas, Rio San Juan, Nicaragua

Playa Maderas is one of the best, local surf spots in Nicaragua that offers a year-round, pumping beach break for beginners and advanced surfers alike. Playa Maderas Surf...

Prices from
$522.00  per week
$74.57 For 1 night
$522.00  per week
Prices from
$74.57 For 1 night
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