Surfcamps New S. Wales

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Booking on request



Redfern, New S. Wales, Australia

Australian Surf Tours is a learn to surf camp and surf guiding business that showcases the Australian way of life and surfing culture whilst taking you to some of Austral...

Prices from
$693.00  per week
$99.00 For 1 night
$693.00  per week
Prices from
$99.00 For 1 night
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Booking on request



Gerringong, New S. Wales, Australia

Surf Camp Australia provides the ultimate experience while learning to surf. The first company to open a 'surf camp' in Australia we have developed a successful f...

Prices from
$345.00  per week
$49.29 For 1 night
$345.00  per week
Prices from
$49.29 For 1 night
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Booking on request



Byron Bay, New S. Wales, Australia

Experience Mojosurf. It's all about having the time of your life in some of the most beautiful beaches in Australia. The Mojosurf culture is a totally unique experien...

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Booking on request



Byron Bay, New S. Wales, Australia

Surf Camp Byron Bay makes it easy for you to live a surfer’s lifestyle, right on the beach in iconic Byron Bay. Whether you surf ‘n’ stay for a short time or a long time,...

Prices from
960.00€  per week
137.14€ For 1 night
960.00€  per week
Prices from
137.14€ For 1 night
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Booking on request



Byron Bay, New S. Wales, Australia

Soul Surf School is the number 1 provider of surf camps and surf courses on the East Coast of Australia. We offer Surf and Stay packages in the heart of the hippy surf to...

Prices from
499.00€  per week
71.29€ For 1 night
499.00€  per week
Prices from
71.29€ For 1 night
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