Surfcamps Leon

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Booking on request


Surf Ressort

Miramar, Leon, Nicaragua

Welcome to PSSR! Located less than 2 hours from the airport, Puerto Sandino Surf Resort is your home from home for your surf trip. We have 2 breaks right out front and 2 ...

Prices from
350.00€  per week
50.00€ For 1 night
350.00€  per week
Prices from
50.00€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request



Puerto Sandino, Leon, Nicaragua

Imagine a surf trip where you have the “local knowledge” that will allow you to surf top-quality, uncrowded waves each day of your adventure. Surf Tours Nicaragua gets yo...

Prices from
$950.00  per week
$135.71 For 1 night
$950.00  per week
Prices from
$135.71 For 1 night
property image
Booking on request


Central America

Nagarote, Leon, Nicaragua

Miramar Surf Camp is one of the most treasured surf locations in Nicaragua. Located in the North, in a sleepy fishing village, this surf hot spot offers more than just pe...

Prices from
500.00€  per week
71.43€ For 1 night
500.00€  per week
Prices from
71.43€ For 1 night
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