Surfcamps Laamu

property image
Booking on request


Surf Charter (Vessel)

Buruzu Magu Male, Laamu, Maldives

ANLORAN is a boat built in Egypt, designed and adapted for surfers by surfers. The vessel, supplied of all imaginable comforts to spend however long period of time in Mal...

Prices from
770.00€  per week
110.00€ For 1 night
770.00€  per week
Prices from
110.00€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request



Thundi, Laamu, Maldives

Just thirty-five minutes domestic flight from Velana International Airport with magnificent sceneries, and a ten minutes drive from Kadhdhoo Domestic Airport will take yo...

Prices from
$939.00  per week
$134.14 For 1 night
$939.00  per week
Prices from
$134.14 For 1 night
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