Surfcamps Bahia

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Booking on request



Itacaré, Bahia, Brazil

Itacaré is a charming "Little Brazil." The region is blessed with absolutely stunning beaches, a tropical climate, warm water all year long, and extremely consistent wave...

Prices from
82.00€  per week
11.71€ For 1 night
82.00€  per week
Prices from
11.71€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request



Itacare, Bahia, Brazil

The Itacaré Surf School in Itacaré, on the south coast of Bahia, a city whose international reference is its surf schools, is characterized by its high quality standards ...

Prices from
130.00€  per week
18.57€ For 1 night
130.00€  per week
Prices from
18.57€ For 1 night
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