Mokum Surf Club (Punta Banco, Costa Rica)

-, Punta Banco, Puntarenas -, Costa Rica
Tippen Sie anrufen +34 828 668 899
$2,249.00 - $2,249.00 Mokum Surf Club (Punta Banco, Costa Rica) -, Punta Banco, Puntarenas, -, Costa Rica +34 828 668 899 1 Package A Shared Room

Our Costa Rica Retreat will be held at a gorgeous hideout in the rolling hills of Punta Banco. Only a short walk from the beach, surrounded by jungle, and often visited by a diversity of (mostly) friendly animals. The accommodation offers all amenities you can think of. Bright, comfortable bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms and air conditioning, a big outdoor and indoor living area, and an infinity pool overlooking the Golfo Dulce. It’s the perfect place to reload that battery of yours enjoying priceless views, jungle sounds, and lots of chill sessions with new friends by the pool.
Shared Room

Shared bathroom
Free WiFi
Air-conditioning provided
Max of 3 people in the room

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Mokum Surf Club (Punta Banco, Costa Rica)

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