Damo Surf Camp (Jacó, Costa Rica)

-, Jacó, Puntarenas -, Costa Rica
Tippen Sie anrufen +34 828 668 899
799.00€ - 799.00€ Damo Surf Camp (Jacó, Costa Rica) -, Jacó, Puntarenas, -, Costa Rica +34 828 668 899 1 Package G 1 Package H 3 DAY PROGRAM - DORM ROOM

Located in the best place in the world to learn surfing, with amazing uncrowded waves and priceless community vibes, Damo Surf Camp is dedicated to providing a personalized experience so you enjoy and love this sport as much as they do. Stay with us for 3 days learning how to surf and enjoying the beach town of Jacó. There is no better place to start your surf journey.

By the end of the program you will have all the surfing basics you  will need to know to keep progressing by yourself. This program includes 2 night accommodation – 2 surf lessons – 1 activity (Sunset hike in nature) – 1 meal per day – Surfing equipment available for you to use as much as you ?d like!


Located in the best place in the world to learn surfing, with amazing uncrowded waves and priceless community vibes, Damo Surf Camp is dedicated to providing a personalized experience so you enjoy and love this sport as much as they do. Stay with them for 3 days learning how to surf and enjoying the beach town of Jacó. There is no better place to start your surf journey.

The 3-day program is the best way to experience Costa Rica's coolest town if you don ?t have much time. By the end of the program you'll have all the surfing basics you'll need to know to keep progressing by yourself.

At Damo Surf Camp, they are dedicated to providing everyone with the most advanced surfing techniques and equipment. They want to make this amazing journey completely unique. So, they are focused on a personalized way of teaching; knowing that everyone progresses at different levels. In doing so, the goal is to prepare you to be an independent surfer who is able to catch green, unbroken waves – one of the best feelings in the world!
All the activities they design are meant to show you the best surf training/exercises done by professionals; like yoga, surf-skate, video analysis, and more. They also include the most important sightseeing and adventures around the area so you won’t miss anything Costa Rica and Jacó has to offer!
Ultimately, they want you to feel good, have fun, and meet interesting people from around the world while finding your own comfort and rhythm with the sea.

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Das Damo Surf Camp befindet sich am besten Ort der Welt, um Surfen zu lernen, mit erstaunlichen, nicht überfüllten Wellen und einer unbezahlbaren Gemeinschaftsatmosphäre. Damo Surf Camp hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, dir die besten Techniken und Kenntnisse zu vermitteln, damit du diesen Sport genauso genießen und lieben kannst wie wir.

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Entschuldigung, leider sind keine weiteren Informationen auf Deutsch verfügbar. Bitte klicke auf die Flaggen (oben rechts) für weitere Informationen auf Englisch oder Spanisch.






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Damo Surf Camp (Jacó, Costa Rica)

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